What is mediumship?
Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits or the deceased. A medium bridges the physical world and the spiritual realm, conveying messages or information from spirits to the living.
How does mediumship work?
Mediums are people with a heightened ability to perceive and communicate with spirits. They may use different methods, such as clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), or clairsentience (feeling), to receive messages from the spirit world.
What can I expect during a mediumship reading?
During a mediumship reading, the medium may connect with spirits and relay messages, emotions, or insights from them to you. The experience can vary from person to person and may include specific details, memories, or guidance.
Can I choose who I want to connect with during a mediumship reading?
Sometimes, you may wish to connect with a specific person or spirit. However, the medium cannot always guarantee they can contact a particular mood. Spirits may come through if they are willing and able to communicate then.
Are mediumship readings always accurate?
The accuracy of mediumship readings can vary widely. Some people find them incredibly accurate and comforting, while others may not resonate with the information provided. It's essential to approach mediumship with an open mind and realistic expectations.
Is mediumship the same as psychic readings?
No, mediumship and psychic readings are different practices. Mediumship specifically involves communication with spirits or the deceased, while psychic readings often focus on providing insights, guidance, or predictions about one's life or future.
Are mediumship readings associated with religion or spirituality?
Mediumship is often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs but is not necessarily tied to any specific religion. People from various religious backgrounds may seek mediumship readings.
How do I find a reputable medium for reading?
About 90% of my clients are referrals. To find a reputable medium, consider seeking recommendations from friends or family who have had positive experiences. You can also research online reviews and look for mediums that are members of professional organizations, which often have ethical standards.
Can I record a mediumship reading? Yes
It's important to ask the medium's permission before recording a session. However, you're always welcome to record readings in my sessions.
Is mediumship readings a form of therapy or counseling?
Mediumship readings are not a substitute for professional therapy or counseling. While they can provide comfort and guidance, they are not intended to address mental health or emotional issues. If you have significant emotional or psychological concerns, it's advisable to seek the help of a qualified therapist or counselor.
Remember that mediumship readings can be deeply personal and subjective experiences, so approach them with an open heart and a willingness to explore the possibilities of spiritual communication.
Can a Christian be a medium?
Some Christians and Christian denominations believe that mediumship when used to align with their faith and ethical principles, can be a legitimate practice. They may view mediumship as a means of providing comfort and guidance to those seeking contact with deceased loved ones and believe that it can be done in a way that is consistent with Christian teachings.
Why do you charge for your reading service?
The practice of charging money for psychic or mediumship readings can be a topic of debate and controversy; for years, I offered free readings while developing my abilities and excited donations. I continue to keep my rates lower than the average national rates.
Many mediums view their work as a profession and consider themselves to be providing a service to clients. Like any other professional service, they charge fees to support themselves and their work. This includes covering the costs of their time, energy, education, and overhead expenses.
Conducting a reading can be emotionally and energetically draining. It often involves focused concentration, empathy, and connecting with spiritual energies. A fee compensates readers for their time and energy in each reading.
I have spent years honing my abilities and developing my skills through training and practice. I may argue that my expertise and experience justify charging for my services.
Charging a fee can also influence the perceived value of the service. Clients who pay for a reading may take the reading more seriously and be more committed to the process.